5 Tips to Finding Web Design Inspiration

Creating a website design for a new website can be frustrating because the designers’ creative juices may get stuck somewhere. It can affect the whole look of the interface, and it can also slow down the website’s performance. You don’t want the same thing to happen with your customer when landing on your website’s page.


The good news is, website designers have a way to fill up their creative juices by looking for design inspirations from the internet to avoid providing low-quality sites. It is essential for a business, especially for an e-commerce website, to be visually appealing and easy to navigate simultaneously to have a higher success for conversion.


If you don’t want to provide low-quality websites for your customers, it is time to look for the right inspiration to incorporate into your designs. Remember, not all inspirations are updated and trendy, so choose where to draw some creativity.


To help you with the right inspiration to choose from, here are some tips you can follow when evaluating the website of origin.


  1. Look for the Best Inspiration Portfolio Sites


Portfolio sites are a great starting point in looking for reliable inspiration. Most of the time, updated websites collect new, trending and fascinating web design that you can pull inspiration from for free and use it to create your look and style. To avoid landing on a cliche and outdated model of inspiration, try to find out the publication dates. Usually, inspiration sites built six years ago don’t come in handy if you aim for a trendy and fresh look.


The best sites that are popular in giving dated styles and technologies are the following:


  1. Study Competitors and Industry Sites


Checking out the competitor’s website offer does not necessarily mean that you are copying their website’s style and design. Competitor analysis is a great way to know where you can improve and leverage your style from the other brands. The primary goal is to stand out from the competition, so you need to study how you can be different from them. By reviewing their website, you can draw ideas on offering something new and hopefully get away with what is standard.


You can also add up other industry sites for reference to formulate your winning and unique design.


  1. Explore Other Industry


Inspiration can come from different places and industries, so do not limit yourself by looking at your competition and related sector only. You can find design inspiration from various industries, especially with technology, design, and branding, since their plans are usually up to date and have good qualities. Consider looking for inspiration that is modern and has similar business goals and models to your business. This process can also help you know how you can operate the accessibility of your website to achieve an excellent customer journey experience.


  1. Assess Animation and Interactive Components


The trend to make the website more engaging and entertaining is to have animation and interactive components. If you look for inspiration, see how they utilize these factors and study how you can apply the same with your brand. Having an interactive website creates an emotional connection with the audience, becoming a vital factor in increasing website traffic and conversion. But keep in mind that having these components can put your website’s load time at risk. Make sure that when applying such an addition to your design, it is fully operational and has quick response times to avoid website exits. Driving conversions is the primary goal, so you need the perfect balance between having a still and animated interface.


  1. Consider Color Schemes and Rebranding


Color schemes and rebranding give your brand a specific identity and personality, so it is crucial to carefully look for design inspiration to avoid having the same branding with other companies or industries. There is no problem checking another website; make sure to create your tone and color schemes that perfectly match your business’s personality.




Starting a new website design can be overwhelming, especially if you have no idea where to start. There is still a lot to process before achieving a functional, responsive, and visually appealing website. Looking for inspiration can help, but without proper knowledge on how to properly design a new website, you may end up facing challenges and roadblocks along the process.


If you need help designing a new website for your company, L Jordans Design is here to help. We provide professional website design services in Murfreesboro. With years of web and marketing experience of our team, we create landing pages to increase your business’s conversion rate. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our services!







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