5 Tell-Tale Signs That You Need to Upgrade Your Web Hosting

Businesses nowadays are always on the lookout for ways to improve their websites. While web hosting may not be the first thing that you think of when you’re improving your site, it’s undoubtedly one of the most important aspects of your website. Because of how under-discussed web hosting is, some businesses may not recognize when they need to upgrade their web hosting. To remedy this, we thought it would be useful to put together a brief article discussing this issue. If this is something that you want to learn more about, read on for five tell-tale signs that you need to upgrade your web hosting.


Web Hosting Improves Site Performance


It’s critical to have a website that loads quickly and performs quickly. One thing that will help you achieve this is hosting with better resources. If your site takes too long to load on a phone and you can’t operate the site properly, you might have a problem. Luckily, issues like this can be solved by upgrading your web hosting.


Increased Traffic


News that your website is getting more traffic is certainly welcome, but you should be ready for the uptick in visitors. While shared hosting is suitable for websites with low traffic, you may have to opt for better hosting services if you are experiencing a surge in users. This is doubly true if you have a big event coming up or anticipate a news story going viral.


Frequent Slowdowns


Visitors will only continue to visit your site if it loads quickly and consistently. The last thing users want is for your site to be slow. Aside from loading times, you’ll also want to make sure that your users can always access your site whenever they need to. Your web host must offer 99.9% uptime with fast load speeds for your visitors to have a positive experience. If you’re not getting that level of performance, it’s time to upgrade your hosting plan.


Persistent Security Issues


If you’ve been experiencing lingering security issues, it may be time to upgrade your web hosting. With the best hosting provider, your site will be as secure as possible. However, no hosting platform is 100% secure no matter what plan you choose. Your website might become a target for a virus if you don’t take active steps to protect it from malware and viruses. Be vigilant with the security of your site, and always take precautions against malware and viruses. As your site grows, you will have access to security features in non-shared hosting plans. Always ask your hosting company and developer about website security.


Restricted Resources


As more content is added to your website, your website grows. It generates more user activity and gains traffic. To accommodate the traffic and activity, you will need more resources (disk space and bandwidth) to run the website smoothly. Without these resources (if you are on a shared plan), you will be limited by the hosting plan and must upgrade to continue reducing server load.




We hope this article proves to be useful when it comes to helping you figure out if it’s time to upgrade your website’s web hosting. While it may seem costly at first, upgrading your web hosting will help you improve your site for your users. Instead of looking at this upgrade as an expense, it’s better to think of it as an investment that will help your business in the long run.


When you need to take your site to the next level, let LJordan Designs be your top web hosting company choice. We offer affordable hosting solutions without compromising bandwidth and uptime. Call us today to learn more!


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